The Class – Clearing Your Soul Curriculum


Put simply, we tap you in.  That’s our guarantee.  In this full day course you will be trained to receive specific and accurate information from your own soul and the spirit realm that you can understand and confirm. This course removes the need for faith because you will finish with the ability to know and check that the information you have received is accurate.  The veil between your conscious and subconscious minds can easily be communicated across in both directions at the end of the class day.  We teach you using a pendulum and kinesiology.  It’s really quite magical, it has changed us forever and we promise, you will never be the same the first time you realize that it is not you moving the pendulum!

The SQCI (Soul Quality Clearing and Information) system consists of charts that have been channeled from a group of 25 Archangels.  There is nothing else like it out there.

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